Thursday, 23 January 2014

Monday, 20 January 2014

Work Diary shoot 10-

What I plan to do:
For this shoot I am going to improve a previous shoot I did but in a different location taking more care of the spacing of the model. The purpose of the shoot is to reflect and unstable mind. 

What I hope to achieve:
I hope this shoot goes better than my previous one and the pictures are off a better quality and look more skilful and well thought out than my other shoot. Because of the changed location I am going to ensure the tripod is on flat ground to get the best picture possible. 

What I actually achieved: 

This is one of the finished pictures I took, in this one I didn't slow down the shutter speed for any of the separate pictures so they are all in focus. I feel like with this photo the composition is slightly off balance as there was meant to be another picture of the model in the front towards the right but I could not do this as it overlapped with the picture behind. 

This is another picture from my shoot where I slowed down the shutter speed on the pictures of leah in front to create the blurred picture due to the movement this was meant to represent a fragmented mind. It was difficult in this one to make sure that I got all the shadows in but I think in the end I managed to do this. I'm unsure which picture I prefer out of the two. 

What I plan to do next: 
next I am going to do a shoot showing a similar message but in the studio using multiple flash. 



Monday, 13 January 2014

Progess check

Progress Check  w/c 17th December

3000 word Essay – need more

Contacts personal- ten....  eleven.... twelve .......

Personal Project......Personal project..... Personal project .....

Electronic portfolio on your blog  only 12

Final pieces1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10..11..12..13..14..15..16..17..18..19..20..

Overall project evaluation 

today I am going to complete the connecting essays (done), and the 3000 word essayy (finished but still short)