Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Animation technique

Animation technique
1STEP :  Firstly you have to open photoshop then find 'Window' at the top and from there... Window>Animation>Tick
2STEP 2:  Then you must upload all the photos you have taken for your animation that you want to use. they have to be the same size though. (you can check/correct this by image>image size
3STEP 3:   After you have done this you must now drag on the images on top of eachtother (I personally find it easier to put them on top in the order you want them to appear in)
4STEP 4:The number of frames you have match the number of layers therefore you must make the number of frames you want in the animation bar below however you can add frames as you go.
5STEP 5: When you have your frames you need to make sure its only the layer you want that is visible on this particualr layer,  you have to click the eye icon  which is next to the seperate layers to hide the visibility of otther frames 
6STEP 6: Change the amount of time you want each frame to show on the animation bar
7STEP 7: There is an option to change it to a looping gif this means that it will run continuously as a 'loop' fashion as opposed to playing through once then stopping. 
8STEP 8:  You must go through the following steps to save your animation. File>‘Save for Web & Devices’, save as GIF

9STEP 9: Finally, to put on internet, upload to photobucket and get the html code

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