Thursday 19 September 2013

Blurring work diary

I did a shoot for the blurring technique in the studio today, the most difficult part of this was to ensure that the model was standing in the light as when they wasn't the photos were too dark and did not come out properly. Also due to the fact the model had to stand in the light the result was the pictures were almost too light on the models face (although this is almost unavoidable) I also found that having the shutter speed on 1 was slightly too short but could not find one in between.
Here are example of the pictures I produced from this shoot, my favourite out of the two is the second one as I alerted the saturation to make it more black and white this improved the 'orangeness' that can be seen in my first picture. I also like the reduced saturation in the second one as due to the movement it almost makes my model look ghostly. 

If I incorporated this technique into my person project I think it would be quite interesting to try and do it on a location shoot as opposed to a studio shoot as I could try and produced similar pictures in my image bank- especially the ones that include transport. 

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