Monday 16 September 2013

Work Diary, multiple flash

multiple flash. 
I think this shoot went well and am pleased with my shots against the black background. Initially when I took my photos the background wasn't quite black enough but I was able to correct this is photoshop using the 'eye dropper' tool. From doing this technique I was able to find out that when doing multiple flash it is more effective to not use the flash to take a picture too many time- and that 2 to 3 flashes work best (as seen in my example pictures) because if too many flashes are fired the pictures become too light.

I think this example is a particular strong one and the two separate images of lydia are strong and not faded. although to improve I think if I covered the model light more when I actually took the picture then when I edited the photo her skin tone would not have turned so orange in colour.

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